Monday, December 13, 2010

An opportunity for transformation and manifestation - The Capricorn Conjunction Dec 13, 2010

Pluto went into Capricorn in late 08 and January of 09 heralding the beginning of a major structural and financial reform. This last year's cardinal cross with Saturn in Libra, Jupiter and Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn and variously, the Sun and Moon in Cancer further set the stage for a dramatic and sustained series of deep reforms to re-establish equilibrium around wealth, resources and equity. Pluto will be in Capricorn for about 15 years until 2024 or so. So get used to it. On Dec 13, 2010, Mars, Mercury, and Pluto will all be exactly conjunct within the same astrological minute (a minute is a sixtieth of a degree). Mercury stationed retrograde (appeared to come to a stand-still and began perceptually moving backward) at 6 deg Capricorn on Friday the 10th and has now come back to join Mars and Pluto.

Here's a chart for the event:

What does this mean? Let's break it down: Although Pluto was recently demoted to a dwarf planet, it is still extremely potent in our psychic atmosphere. The archetypal energy of Pluto expresses itself in physical transformation, explosions, nuclear power, death, debt, taxes, the revealing of the shadow, atomic energy, the abyss, focused intensity, "plutocratic" authority due to concentration of power, lasers etc. Mercury is communications, the active busy mind, short-range transportation, errands, the contrasting polarity of opposites playing out in an ongoing dynamic interchange, the caduceus, the medical profession etc. Mars is assertion, aggression, boundaries, the expression of the ego, physical energy, the tendency to push toward an extreme expression of an ideal, etc. Capricorn is the infrastructural foundation upon which we build reality, mountains, goats, the knees, the elderly, age, the skeletal structure in the body, commercial real estate, authority, capital, enlightened wisdom, initiation, capitals, the "father", the initial cardinal earth sign. If you mentally and visually synthesize these energies in various combinations, you get an idea of the expression of these forces together. This conjunction will also be very close to the north node of the moon at 2-3 degrees Capricorn. This is a synthetic point where the moon crosses the ecliptic of the earth's orbit moving northward. When a lunation (full or new moon) coincides with either the North or South node of the moon we get an eclipse. The nodes relate on a mundane level to the zeitgeist of short-term expression in mass consciousness. Eclipses set the tone for a new cycle of unfolding and accentuate the effect of full and new moons. The nodes are an expression of the inter-relationship of the earth, moon and sun, symbolically manifestation, feelings and spirit. This extremely tight planetary configuration is at 4 to 5 degrees Capricorn. Each degree of the zodiac has a symbol. The "sabian" symbol for this degree of the zodiac is INDIANS ON THE WARPATH, WHILE SOME MEN ROW A WELL-FILLED CANOE, OTHERS IN IT PERFORM A WAR DANCE. For more info on the sabian symbols, check out:

In relation to this symbol, witness the recent saber-rattling with North Korea and the focus on tensions with proto-nuclear Iran. Also the unique new denial of service attacks via "hackterism" last weak by anonymous on Mastercard etc. and the focus on Wikileaks revealing state secrets.

This conjunction will galvanize into action and bring to the forefront of communication many of the forces which have been building this year.
Individually, this configuration is also an incredible opportunity for us to focus (Pluto) our energy (Mars) and communication (Mercury) on previously hidden (Pluto) aspects of our inner and outer world to affect some major structural (Capricorn) transformations. The truth will be told, or the form will get old and crumble. That which is not aligned to higher purpose will not survive the upcoming years or will be greatly diminished in power. The templates that we set at this time will provide potent direction for years to come.

The stellium in Capricorn is sextile Venus at 5 deg Scorpio, providing an opportunity for using this energy to also deal on a mundane, mass level with the shared resources and energies that come through relating. Personally, Venus in Scorpio can express as intense charm, sexual attractiveness, charisma etc. This can be an opportunity for tantra, or to focus on unrevealed aspects of relationship and deal with wounding around sexuality, abuse of power etc.

At this time tonight, the moon will be at 26.5 degrees Pisces, between Jupiter and Uranus at 24 and 26 degree Pisces respectively. This will lighten the mood somewhat in relation to this intense energy, providing an opportunity for compassion and feeling into the expansive possibilities inherent in change, a mystically visionary opportunity for innovation and benevolence to coincide. Neptune and Chiron are still conjunct at 26 deg Aquarius in intimate relation to the Moon-Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. This conjunction connected to the Uranus-Moon-Jupiter conjunction provides a mode of expression for compassion for collective wounding, the opportunity for us to relate in a true sense of brotherhood-sisterhood, perhaps even transcend partisan differences (wishful thinking?).

There's a lot of energy afoot for the new, it's even getting rebellious out there, rioting in countries where austerity measures are taking place. There is a culmination, new expression of the restless desire for change that was initiated in the mid to late sixties occurring now, at a more evolved level. The younger generation and the heralds of the new age have had it with the elders misusing and abusing their inheritance, the earth's resources and the collective capital and patience is running out. This is a time for restraint and focused use of this potent energy with also the possibility for an explosive expression of anger at perceived authority, witness terrorism. While the old structures are being reformed and composted we have the opportunity to not "toss the baby out with the bath water" but also respect the elders, to identify with and honor the legacy we've inherited and be grateful for the shoulders on which we stand.

This is also an opportunity to become completely empowered and manifest, in line with Purpose and Spirit, to reach into the depths of our psyches, heal shadows and turn that energy into gold, integrate, and wake up to the power inherent within our spiritual nature, claiming the compassionate powerful awareness of enlightenment which is our birthright and responsibility as humans.
